Great American Beer Festival Tickets

Mark's Tickets is the best place to find tickets for Great American Beer Festival fans. Just check this page for any new events or schedule updates throughout the year. We sell tickets to every Great American Beer Festival fairs & festival around the world. We know how passionate Great American Beer Festival fans can be about fairs & festivals, so we make sure to have hundreds of tickets for every event available right up until it starts.

For those looking for cheap Great American Beer Festival tickets, we offer tickets starting at very low prices (many times below face value). We offer tickets in most sections of every venue that you can see Great American Beer Festival. Simply choose the city or venue that you are interested in below, and you will be able to see all of the available seats. Do not forget that Marks Tickets also specializes in sold out Great American Beer Festival tickets. No longer will sold out shows prevent you from seeing Great American Beer Festival.

The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) is a three-day annual event hosted by the Brewers Association, held in Denver, Colorado, in mid to late September or early October. In 2012, the festival ran from October 11th to the 13th. The GABF brings visitors from around the world to sample more than 2,000 different American beers. Over 100 beer judges from the United States and abroad evaluate beer in the associated competition, ultimately judging 3,300 beers entered by almost 500 domestic breweries. Gold, silver and bronze medals in 83 beer-style categories (as of 2011) are awarded, though not every medal is necessarily awarded in each category.Started in 1982, the GABF was created by nuclear engineer Charlie Papazian in Boulder, Colorado. The original GABF had 22 participating breweries and the 2009 festival had 457. In 2009 the festival expanded into a hall one-third larger than the previous year. The GABF is considered the largest ticketed beer festival in the United States